What Does the Windows 7 End of Life Mean for You?

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What Does the Windows 7 End of Life Mean for You?

Operating system (OS) migrations can be a pain even for seasoned computer users. Whether it’s for a single personal computer or an office full of workstations, no one looks forward to the task.

Unfortunately for many users, Microsoft has announced an end-of-life (EOL) for Windows 7 on January 14, 2020. EOL means Microsoft will stop supporting Windows 7, which means they’ll stop releasing updates that include new features, security patches, and the like.

For Windows 7 users—both personal and business—EOL means they’ll need to upgrade to the newest version of the operating system, Windows 10, or they’ll be left with an outdated and unprotected version of Windows. It does not mean, however, that Windows 7 will just stop working on January 15. But you definitely still want to migrate.

Why should you migrate to Windows 10?

Whether you’re still using Windows 7 or even Windows 8, migrating to Windows 10 is a smart decision for 3 main reasons:

  1. Windows 10 is much faster. Many users even report that Windows 10 starts up faster than the latest macOS.
  2. The Windows “Start” button is back, new and improved! It gives you easy access and organization of your favorite and most-used programs.
  3. Windows 10 is more secure than previous OSs. It has a secure boot option, Device Guard, Windows Hello and Microsoft Passport that all enhance device security.

There’s not much of a choice to make the switch, though. Windows 7 will be done away with starting January 15th whether you make the switch or not.

What do you need to migrate to Windows 10?

Before migrating from Windows 7 to Windows 10, you or your IT admins need to make sure the devices have these system requirements:

  • The latest version of Windows 7 or Windows 8.1
  • A graphics card with DirectX 9 or greater
  • At least 1GB of RAM for 32-bit systems or 2GB of RAM for 64-bit systems
  • Enough hard drive space. You’ll need 16GB of free space for 32-bit and 20GB for 64-bit.
  • A processor with 1GHz of processing power
  • A display with 800×600 resolution or better

If you’re in the Columbus, Ohio area and need help making a last-minute migration, CompuCorp is here to help. We’re your premier IT Managed Services company, and we can help small to medium-sized businesses with all your IT needs. Contact us today to get the help you need.

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